Hal Aqua plays music. He fronts klezmer fusion band The Lost Tribe; serves as music director for B’nai Havurah, Denver’s Jewish Reconstructionist congregation; provides songleading at Temple Micah, a Denver Reform synagogue; facilitates joyful and inclusive bar and bat mitzvah ceremonies along with Risa Aqua; gets kids giggling as alter ego Cowboy Hersh, the silliest singing cowboy in the West; and teaches classes, workshops and seminars on Jewish world music, accompanied by guitar, mandolin, middle eastern lutes, and hand drums.
For Hal’s upcoming events, visit:
For The Lost Tribe's recorded music, visit:
“Thank you for the wonderful music ... your band was marvelous. Nothing but RAVES! RAVES! RAVES! about the entire evening.” —Judy Kaiser, Temple Shalom, Colorado Springs, CO
“I so enjoyed your Melton class...thank you very much for making learning such fun!” —Peggy Brody
“Your driving spirit and beautiful combination of instruments is a great gift.” —Keith Arnold, Interfaith Alliance of Colorado
“Dear Cowboy Hersh, Thank you for coming to our school. I liked the song ‘Throw It Out the Window.’” Sincerely, Eric Brokaw
“Your music transformed a Shabbat service into a Shabbat experience!” —Leslie Swid